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Financial scams target the over 45s

The rise in technology has caused more than 1 million over-45 year olds to fall victim to online scams and left one in five feeling vulnerable.

Research by Aviva has shown that 70% of people aged 45-64 interviewed as part of this research are willing to embrace new technology, including devices, software and apps. But these ‘tech adopters’ are an increasing target for online scammers.

Even with this willingness to adopt new technology, only a quarter of 45s–65 year olds have no concerns when using technology, and falling to 18% for over-75s. So, with most 45s-65s having concerns, is there any wonder why so many have been affected by online scams?

Fears when using technology

Over-45s have described the biggest fears they have when they use technology as getting a computer virus, and being scammed or hacked.

The most common way people are scammed is through email or over the phone, and seven in ten (71%) of people aged 45-64 say they have been targeted with emails, rising to 75% of 65-74 year olds and again to 76% for over 75s. Over 75s are twice as likely (8%) to become a victim of an email scam compared with the lower 4% of 65-74 year olds.

There is a large portion (66%) of people in or going into retirement who have many concerns relating to being hacked, this will be worsened by the increase on media coverage of large company hackings being publicised.

It pays to stop and think The Financial Fraud Action UK Take Five campaign recommends five ways to fight financial fraud:

  1. Never disclose security details

  2. Don’t assume an email, text or phone call is genuine

  3. Don’t be rushed

  4. Listen to your instincts

  5. Stay in control

To find out more about the campaign and how to stay safe in a digital world visit

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