We have dedicated this page to give you further important information and relevant articles on your investments and protection.
Note from our practice principal
Our team at Andrews Loynton McCulla hope you are well as you read this.
We have all been working remotely but are now gradually returning to the office. With lockdown stringencies easing we are looking forward to assist and advise our clients in the new normal. We believe much will unfold in business over the next number of months. We hope that the lion’s share of Business Enterprises will survive. We also hope to see renewed prosperity as Government Financial packages are phased out.
We saw a planned withdrawal from our office on the day the Prime Minister implemented lockdown and it is pleasing that we are presently seeing a similar planned return to our Church Street, Portadown business premises. Our administrators are back in office. Advisers returning in a phased manner. Appropriate measures in respect of sanitization and distancing are being observed and we are pleased that our spacious office accommodation provides suitable facilities for us to adhere to all official guidance and requirements. It is now possible for client appointments to be conducted in the office, strictly by appointment. We will be ensuring appropriate distancing, sanitization and secure procedures. However, the bulk of most meetings will continue to be conducted via internet technology or telephone.
We are pleased too that despite initial fear and uncertainty weeks ago, global equity markets have seen substantial recovery. At times like at present, it is difficult to stay focused and ignore the fear however history has shown the benefits of investing in well-diversified portfolios in line with Investor’s attitude to risk. We are pleased and satisfied that our clients’ investment and pension funds have come through the storm.
We also have noticed renewed discussion and contact around planning for the future. Many conversations about Financial actions are now taking place. We have seen clients reviewing Business, Family and Personal Protection arrangements to ensure that all is in order should an untoward health matter arise.
We are aware of the threat of Covid-19. We do not underestimate potential future risk however we are positive about the months ahead. Our team are of one mind and we look forward to ongoing contact with you that is appropriate for these times. We will, as always maintain a watching brief on your affairs and give guidance and advice as and when required.
Laurence Andrews
Below you will find different articles that are very beneficial reading. You might have a little more time on your hands to do so.